All the WINNERS & Heaps more info on...


Can be found HERE  -  Just scroll down!


* FOR INFORMATION on the planned upcoming 2025 FAKES & FORGERIES simply CLICK HERE *


ALSO - A small selection of 2023's Fakes & Forgeries Artworks are still on display for viewing and for Sale at the Mangaweka "Yellow Church" Gallery on SH1 - Come Visit !

Click the Banner below to see a funky 5-minute feature by Julian Lee for TVNZ One's       7-Sharp program, featuring the 2023 FAKES & FORGERIES  Art exhibition !

Hello Art-Lovers, The FULL FAKES & FORGERIES Exhibition ran until Sunday 17th of Dec 2023 - When - there was a Special "Exhibition Closing Event"

WITH Complimentary Drinks, Nibbles & some easy listening LIVE Acoustic Music! with Wayne + Misty!!

Many people came along to enjoy this Festive Christmas social gathering and celebrate the splendid Artworks . 

Thanks for being there!!!


Keep scrolling down for Press & Radio coverage Linx & all the details/Winners etc..

Keep scrolling down for Press & Radio coverage Linx & all the details/Winners etc..


Mangaweka Mega, Fakes & Forgeries 2023


Glorious sunshine bathed the hundreds of people who called in to Mangaweka on Saturday 21st of October, to enjoy the Mangaweka Mega Markets, Book Fair, Garage & Car-boot sales, and of course the two yearly Fakes & Forgeries exhibitions opening the exact date, 10 years ago that inspirer of the event, famous forger Karl Sim passed away.

A big drawcard was the combined schools Fakes & Forgeries art exhibition held at the Village Hall, which attracted around 200 entries from the areas schools (winners list below).

Live music from Whanganui’s ‘Hot Potato’ skiffle band, Marton’s Brian Ballie and Dave Woolston, along with Taihape Musicians ‘The New Variants!’ kept the crowds well entertained throughout the whole day.

The Adults and 16 years and under exhibition opened for public viewing at 10.30am at the ‘Yellow Church’ Gallery and saw a steady stream of people enjoying interpretations of famous Van Gogh’s, Don Binnie’s, Cézanne’s, McMahon’s and remakes of Banksy’s and Warhol.

At around 2pm a large crowd gathered in the Gallery for the awards. After thanking patrons for their attendance, organiser Richard Aslett got the proceedings underway with many thanks for all who helped and for those attending, then the 16 years and under winner’s results were announced. GOLD was Gracelyn Murray (Fielding) aged 15, who was there to accept her top certificate for her very colourful version of Sally Trace’s Leaf in Vase (see picture below - with all the listed results).

 In the Adults section the ‘Best in Show’ GOLD award went to Palmerston North artist Graham Christensen for his vibrant interpretation of a Karl Maughan flowers and garden scene oils painting, titled Glenburn 2 (see picture at top of page). Graham happily told the crowd of Karl Maughan’s local connections to the area and the delight he had experienced creating the stunning artwork.

Adult Bronze winners Joanne Gardner (Hunterville) and Lysha Brennnan (Whanganui) were also there to receive Bronze awards!

Following this the assembled crowd headed outside to watch live music from the New Variants and watch the spot prize draw for attending Artists, won by Juliette Fietje.

Organiser Richard Aslett saidAll round it was a brilliant day. We had entries from all over NZ and two from the UK. The turnout was amazing and the weather astounding. All that attended seemed to go home with a smile on their faces. Karl Sim, if he was watching down, would have been well pleased with the all the Artistry, fun and merriment”.

The current Adult and 16 years & Under Fakes & Forgeries exhibition runs at the Yellow Church Gallery on SH1, right through till Sunday December 17th, when there will be a 'special exhibition closing event' from 2pm onwards...

Book this in your diaries NOW!! Thanks.

Any questions visit or phone Richard Aslett on 027 52 66 612 for details.


The "Yellow Church" Gallery ‘Fakes & Forgeries’ 16yrs & under.

 1) GOLD - Title- Leaf in vase - Medium- Acrylic - Created By - Gracelyn Murray (age 15).

2) DOUBLE SILVER (1) - Title- Mona Lisa - Inspired by- Leonardo da Vinci - traditional pukana, native birds in background - Medium- Acrylic - By- Kara Campbell

DOUBLE SILVER (2) - Title- Sure to Rise - Inspired by- Vincent Van Gogh - Medium- Acrylic on canvas - By- Bella Flux

3) BRONZE - Title- Brian the Snail - Inspired by- Magic Roundabout - Medium- Acrylic - By- Bonnie Havard (with help from Mum)

The "Yellow Church" Gallery ‘Fakes & Forgeries’ - ADULTS SECTION:

1) GOLD - "Best in Show" - Title- Glenburn 2 - Inspired by- ‘Karl Maughan- Medium- Oil on Canvas - By- Graham Christensen (Palmerston North - See pic top of page)

2) SILVER (1) EXACT COPY - Title- The Milkmaid - Inspired by- Vermeer - Medium- Paint - Framed under Glass - By- Vonnie Sterritt (Palmerton North - Please scroll down for an image of the winning piece)

2) SILVER (2) COPY 'With a Twist' - Title- ‘Ceramic Tower’ - Inspired by- Hundertwasser - Medium- Illuminated Ceramic - By- Fiona McLeod (Whanganui - Fiona came to the Gallery this week to collect her Certificate - Please see picture below)

3) BRONZE/MERIT (1) - Title- Sunflower Diffusion - Inspired by- Van Gogh Sunflowers - Medium- Collage & Pencil Drawings - By- Lysha Brennnan (Whanganui) 

3) BRONZE/MERIT (2) - Title- Inviting Peace - Inspired By- Monet - Medium- Crocheted Yarns (Wools and Acrylics) - By- Joanne Gardner(Hunterville - see picture below, Thanks).

Combined Schools - Exhibited at the Village Hall.

1) WINNER : Arthur Matheus with The Wheat Feilds

2) Runner-Up : Piper Gardiner with Breakfast Banter

3) Third : Aria Dunn with Sunflowers

& Special Merit Place) Zane Laundsen with Sheepy Nights

Whanganui Ceramic Artist, Fiona McLeod came to the Gallery this week to collect her Certificate - See image below. Thanks

And finally (for now!) GOLD Winner Graham Christensen also made another visit to the Gallery to capture an updated image of himself underneath his winning Artwork. See below Richard Aslett re-presenting Graham his GOLD Certificate for the outstanding "Glenburn 2" - Inspired by: ‘Karl Maughan - Medium: Oil on Canvas - Size: 600mm x 900m - Congratulations Graham!!

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